Custom Player

Custom Players Branded to Suit Your Broadcast Needs

Our streaming player is able to help you brand your station, generate revenue, keep your audience in touch, and more. Manage graphics, ads, and links right from the Customer Control Panel and offer mobile listeners a streamlined experience.

Display Advertising

Clickable banner ads that rotate and display based on a schedule you setup. Use this for advertisers, sponsors, promos, or anything else you want to highlight.

Custom Buttons

Fully configurable buttons allow the broadcaster to give information about special events, sports, birthdays, DJs, closings, and more. Anything you want to present can be turned into a button!


Music broadcasters can show listeners a playlist of the last 15 songs played. Broadcasters without music can use this space for promos, ads, or any other graphic they want to display.

What's Included?

  • Station Logo Section
  • SVA graphic section for display advertising and promo
  • Gateway/Pre-roll advertising options
  • Links to social networking sites and mobile apps
  • Email request/station contact button
  • "Now Playing" Artist, Title, and Playlist
  • Feature sister stations with a Group Tuner
  • Sponsored Player Themes
  • OnDemand button for archived files
  • Mobile optimized player for smartphones
  • Website Widgets or raw data for Now Playing and Playlist
  • Blackout and other station status notifications for your audience
  • HTML5 for full compatibility
Company presentation
Ozarks Dynacom streaming with SurferNETWORK
WSOU Seton Hall streaming with SurferNETWORK
WEQX streaming with SurferNETWORK
The MaxxKonnect Group streaming with SurferNETWORK
Perry Broadcasting streaming with SurferNETWORK
Full Power Radio streaming with SurferNETWORK